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Reflections on A Wrinkle in Time

Imagine going to see a Disney movie as an adult, then BOOM. You get practical life lessons like you’re twelve again. I’ll admit I wasn’t sure what to expect going in. I never had to read the book in school. In addition, I was fed up with pressure to support the film by all the hoteptresses who are comparing every Black movie to Black Panther. The movie turned out meaning something very special to me that I didn’t know I needed. Seeing the power of every woman in this movie, particularly the strength of the women of color, was so inspiring. I can only imagine how the images in this movie would've expanded my imagination if I'd seen it as a kid.

It was one quote from A Wrinkle in Time that brought me to tears. Mrs. Which: [ to Meg] Do you realize how many events, choices, that had to occur since the birth of the universe leading up to the making of you? Just exactly the way you are. I felt that. Those words have stuck with me since I saw the movie a week ago. I’ve thought about my family. The conditions in which my ancestors were born and lived in. I thought about my parents love for each other. I mean seriously. Do you ever just sit and think about how many things had to happen for you to be here? I literally sat in my seat for minutes after Auntie Oprah dropped that jewel and thought about how much has happened for me to be who I am. I leaned over and loudly whispered to my husband, “I’m crying.” He responded, “ I know”, clutching my hand tighter. Being consumed by The It is no joke. Darkness is so normalized that some of us don’t even know when we’re living in dysfunction. The It is often reinforced by society quicker than you can consume the light to fight it. Having the Black woman experience in America is taxing to say the least. A juxtaposition without a punchline. While I love myself and those I share identities with for different reasons, this intersectionality may be the death of me. Between the stereotypes, microaggressions, internalized oppression, and institutional racism; I’m constantly on guard. I constantly struggle with deciding whether to fight back or take the punches for my safety and sanity (not gonna lie, I was proud of Meg for throwing that ball at her bully). The movie taught me an important lesson about defeating The It. It should’ve been obvious that acts of selflessness and refusing to leave your kinfolk behind would be included. But can we talk about how instrumental self love and acceptance was? How often do we stare what society thinks we should be in the face and tell it, “No thanks. I like who I am?” At one point I forgot all about Meg’s quest to find her father. Meg’s journey to find her father is a bonus to the story about self love and acceptance. I rooted for her as a woman being the savior. I was rooting for her as a Black woman in a “diverse” school setting, yet, still being treated without compassion. I was rooting for her as a young person expected to bite her tongue to cater to the sensitivity of the people who should be nurturing her. I could go on and on about the film’s beautiful special effects, deeper meanings, and exceptional casting just in time for Women’s History Month. Instead, I’ll encourage you to support the amazing art Ava Duvernay has blessed us with and leave you with a quote in honor of Mrs. Who. “Self-care takes precedent of any other care.

Self-esteem can transform a dream into reality.

Self-love should be the most unconditional, nonnegotiable love you experience.” -Hybrie Jenae (American)

Reflections on A Wrinkle in Time

By Hybrie Jenae


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