50 Ways to Manage Stress on a Budget
50 Ways to Manage Stress on a Budget
There’s a misconception that wellness can only be achieved if you have money. While some people have the funds to solve their problems by taking off to the Bahamas or scheduling an appointment with a therapist, others don’t have the money or time to address mild to chronic stress in the most desirable ways. Though, there is always hope. Below is a list of everyday things you can do to manage stress that don’t cost a dime.
Protect your energy
Be honest with yourself
Schedule alone time
Set realistic goals
Educate yourself
Balance your diet
Get sunlight
Engage in physical activity
Love yourself
Reflect on daily accomplishments
Set boundaries
Say "no" sometimes
Say "yes" sometimes
Make time for loved ones
Make new friends
Surround yourself with like- minded people
Choose to see the good in people
But accept that we are flawed
Learn your love language
Never assume
Get rest
Drink water
Pray and/or meditate
Cry if you need to
Don't work too hard
Tell someone
And ask for help
Be willing to accept constructive criticism
Be the role model you wanted growing up
Believe in something
Believe in yourself
Find your talent
Get paid for it
And make people pay for it
Take occasional breaks from social media
Celebrate little victories
Allow people to figure out their problems
Mind your business
Turn down opportunities for pettiness
Never show your hand
Don't seek the last word
Get yourself gifts
Accept positive change
Determine your values
Question everything
Get in where you fit in
Have faith that things will get better

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